I recently heard an atheist say he had more respect for Theist A’s religious belief, than he did for Theist B’s belief. While they were both forms of Christianity, one of them evidently was worthy of higher respect than the other.
What exactly entitles theist's "beliefs" to any degree of respect?
-Is it based on which flavor of unsupportable culturally induced sky daddy they worship; what supernatural or inventive "illogic" they use to support that belief; what dogma they pick and choose from the menu of belief; how deeply they believe it; how effectively they induct their young into their delusional belief?
-Is it whether or not they are a threat to Free Thinkers, or our freedoms, or the education of the young, or the advancement of science, or civilization as a whole?
What exactly entitles theist's "beliefs" to any degree of respect?
-Is it based on which flavor of unsupportable culturally induced sky daddy they worship; what supernatural or inventive "illogic" they use to support that belief; what dogma they pick and choose from the menu of belief; how deeply they believe it; how effectively they induct their young into their delusional belief?
-Is it whether or not they are a threat to Free Thinkers, or our freedoms, or the education of the young, or the advancement of science, or civilization as a whole?
-Should we respect a belief just because it is benign, less/non- confrontational, doesn’t require witch burning (any more), hatred of Jews (as much), or killing of apostates?
- Is their belief due the same, less, or more respect as people who believe in unicorns and faeries; the “miracle” of images of holy figures on their sandwiches; that the Earth is flat; that aliens built the pyramids; or who believe the world is 6,000 years old and that men rode dinosaurs?
I once had some New Age guy tell me he respected all beliefs. When pushed, and backed against a wall, he even agreed he'd respect a resurgence of Aztec belief including human sacrifice. Why? Because "belief is due respect”. Why?? "because it’s a belief”. Ridiculous.
Frankly, I have zero respect for any blind belief, whether it's a hybrid kinder gentler version, or the basic model. Belief in anything with no evidence is self delusion and unworthy of my respect. I’d have the same lack of respect for an atheist’s belief if he “believed” he was abducted by aliens.
Now, don’t confuse the lack of respect for “belief” as a justification for being disrespectful to “the believer”. There are a lot of believers of whom I am respectful in spite of their unfortunate enslavement to fable. They have other redeeming qualities. And, I would stand up for their right to believe whatever absurdity they so desire, just so long as it is legal, doesn’t impinge on my rights, or threaten society.
It’s the 21st century, the scientific age, an age that should be devoted to reason and logic. So, what logic should I be using to have "respect" for belief that is steeped in superstition, ignorance, medieval thinking, and the rejection of reality? Sorry, can’t think of any.