The hysteria over 10,000 Syrian immigrants continues. Here in New Hampshire, the nation’s first primary state, we are being visited daily by the unholy scum that represent the GOP Presidential hopefuls. Each are airing commercials around the clock playing on the American fear of ISIS. Each is claiming to have the plan to defeat them, and each is sworn to stop Muslim immigration, including “children under five years old” according to Chris Christie.
Some, like Trump, are demanding the registration and tracking of Muslims in the US and the closing of Mosques. Jeb Bush only wants to admit Christian Syrians. When asked how he’d conduct such a test of religious acceptability he wasn’t quite sure, preferring to dodge the question. I imagine he’d use a technique similar to how ISIS identifies devout Muslims - demanding they quote from memory some passages from their holy book…on punishment of death.
Some of the far right web sites are insisting that the Obama plan to help those Syrian refugees is his attempt to destroy America from within - a sickness that infects the brains of Birthers, and assorted extremist right wing racists, not so surreptitiously supported by innuendo from the Ultra-Conservative talking heads (AKA FOX News).
So, what exactly is the truth about this Muslim refugee threat to our lives and property and way of life? The U.S. has brought in more than 1.5 million Muslims through the refugee program since the passage of the Refugee Act of 1980. They have been coming from Islamic states with active jihadist movements such as Somalia, Bangladesh, Burma, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Bosnia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the past five years 680,000 Muslims were admitted to the US under the refugee program.*
While an estimated one to two-hundred US Muslims are
believed to have gone to Syria
to fight along side ISIS… I’m having difficulty finding examples of Muslims who
have come here through the refugee program committing a single act of murder. In fact, of all the FBI and Homeland security arrests for
terrorism conspiracy, or attempting to support ISIS with money all were US home
grown Muslim converts, or immigrants except for nine ( 9 ) who were
admitted under the Refugee Act.** NINE OUT OF 1.5 MILLION MUSLIM REFUGEES. As for
how many murders and mass killings were caused by Muslim refugees allowed in under the strict controls of the
Refugee Act - the number is ZERO.
Meanwhile, yesterday another good Christian committed another act of terrorism, killing three and wounding nine in a Planned Parenthood invasion. I’ll bet dollars to donuts he is going to declare he was doing God’s Work protecting the unborn.
In TexAss armed white Christian vigilantes in masks and carrying semi-auto rifles are stalking Muslim citizens as they walk to their Mosque -their campaign of terror and intimidation unhampered by the local white Christian police because of the “open carry” idiocy in that state of horrors.
June 17th of this year, a man rose from a pew in the historically black Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC, and opened fire killing nine worshipers. The shooter had been photographed wearing patches representing the racist apartheid regimes in Southwest Africa, had a Confederate license plate on his vehicle, was shouting about how blacks have been raping white women, and was a member in good standing of a local Lutheran Church.
Jim David Adkisson, a devout Christian and anti-abortion right-winger, walked into a Knoxville church on July 27th, 2008, and began firing a shotgun at children who were performing Annie Jr. He killed two and wounded seven, targeting “the church because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country.”
The KKK, a Christ loving organization, has more blood on its member’s hands than we can count. Hell… American’s murder each other at a rate of 25,000+ a year…more than any nation on the planet not fighting a war on their home turf. But lets just focus on 10,000 Syrian refugees causing mass mayhem because...Islam.
So, where is the outcry from the GOP and their religious faithful against their own religious brethren's violent streak and terrorism? Why are they not calling for the registration and tracking of Christians, and closing of churches ? Where is the justification, reason and logic behind their Muslim refugee fear mongering? Where is that Christian love they always talk about?
How do they reconcile their behavior with what their man-god was alleged to have said in Mathew 25: “…for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’
And when he was asked how they could have done that for him, when they never in fact did, it is written that he answered: Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
“Good Christians”? I say not one “good Christian” stands among the self-righteous and hypocritical self-proclaimed Christians of the GOP and their supporters. Let fear and distortion and hypocrisy rule… let their man-god thing and his words be damned.
Meanwhile, yesterday another good Christian committed another act of terrorism, killing three and wounding nine in a Planned Parenthood invasion. I’ll bet dollars to donuts he is going to declare he was doing God’s Work protecting the unborn.
In TexAss armed white Christian vigilantes in masks and carrying semi-auto rifles are stalking Muslim citizens as they walk to their Mosque -their campaign of terror and intimidation unhampered by the local white Christian police because of the “open carry” idiocy in that state of horrors.

June 17th of this year, a man rose from a pew in the historically black Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC, and opened fire killing nine worshipers. The shooter had been photographed wearing patches representing the racist apartheid regimes in Southwest Africa, had a Confederate license plate on his vehicle, was shouting about how blacks have been raping white women, and was a member in good standing of a local Lutheran Church.
Jim David Adkisson, a devout Christian and anti-abortion right-winger, walked into a Knoxville church on July 27th, 2008, and began firing a shotgun at children who were performing Annie Jr. He killed two and wounded seven, targeting “the church because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country.”
The KKK, a Christ loving organization, has more blood on its member’s hands than we can count. Hell… American’s murder each other at a rate of 25,000+ a year…more than any nation on the planet not fighting a war on their home turf. But lets just focus on 10,000 Syrian refugees causing mass mayhem because...Islam.

So, where is the outcry from the GOP and their religious faithful against their own religious brethren's violent streak and terrorism? Why are they not calling for the registration and tracking of Christians, and closing of churches ? Where is the justification, reason and logic behind their Muslim refugee fear mongering? Where is that Christian love they always talk about?
How do they reconcile their behavior with what their man-god was alleged to have said in Mathew 25: “…for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’
And when he was asked how they could have done that for him, when they never in fact did, it is written that he answered: Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
“Good Christians”? I say not one “good Christian” stands among the self-righteous and hypocritical self-proclaimed Christians of the GOP and their supporters. Let fear and distortion and hypocrisy rule… let their man-god thing and his words be damned.