One member of the group posted this: "Its self centered and unenlightened to say one believes in oneself."
I found this a rather silly comment. What? -- Is it more enlightened to believe in a Sky Buddy who manipulates your life and promises you eternal existence after death? If not, what's the alternative to belief in oneself -- dependence on others to manage your life for you? People who do not believe in themselves lack self esteem; lack independence; lack self reliance; never take risks that could advance their career, or give them a competitive advantage in life or any endeavor.
In discussing this in another atheist forum one member said this: "... announcing to believers [in his very Catholic country the Philippines] that one believes in oneself as opposed to an invisible being in the sky, it simply comes across as putting one's self over God. It is therefore to be expected that (some) believers will find it arrogant and self-centered ..."
In discussing this in another atheist forum one member said this: "... announcing to believers [in his very Catholic country the Philippines] that one believes in oneself as opposed to an invisible being in the sky, it simply comes across as putting one's self over God. It is therefore to be expected that (some) believers will find it arrogant and self-centered ..."
Do we not put ourselves over all imaginary beings? I know I do. Do we need to be ashamed of that? I’m not, couldn’t be more proud of it. And if theists find us arrogant in our acceptance of reality over superstition and open dismissal of their delusion do we need to concern ourselves about it? Can’t see why. I could understand that being the case fifty or one-hundred years ago, or during the Spanish Inquisition, but not now. Not any more.
I'm unconcerned about bruising the sensibilities of those who prefer we remain contrite in our acceptence of reality and reason, or that we remain invisible to the theist majority. We must embrace confrontation. If it wasn't for Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennett, Harris, Ray, and others who have kicked wide the door and said "Enough!" to false respect for theist beliefs, to religious dominance, to salving theists’ fragile sensibilities, we'd all be pretending to be believers. I doubt I could even have this forum.
The degree of religiosity in the Philippines, I dare say, is no worse than the degree of religiosity in certain parts of the US. Mississippi, the most religious state in the union, has 96% believers according to the Pew Forum poll. Yet, there are a number of groups down there who openly declare their atheism, challenge fundamentalist intrusions across the line of church state separation, and are quite vocal. Yep, they are probably perceived as arrogant by their believing neighbours, especially given their "book larnin" and godless rationality. Good!
Yes, I put myself over gods, all of them. Yes, I have complete confidence in my ability to manage my life without incorporeal nonsense. No, I won’t hide my rejection of belief in a closet, or fret over my presumed “arrogance” that is born of self-confidence, education, self-reliance, and respect for reality. Besides, what’s more arrogant than the ignorance of faith in the great “Truth” to which each religion stakes claim?
Yes, I put myself over gods, all of them. Yes, I have complete confidence in my ability to manage my life without incorporeal nonsense. No, I won’t hide my rejection of belief in a closet, or fret over my presumed “arrogance” that is born of self-confidence, education, self-reliance, and respect for reality. Besides, what’s more arrogant than the ignorance of faith in the great “Truth” to which each religion stakes claim?
If my “in your face” demeanour causes religionists angst -- too damn bad. If it incites them to something more -- bring it on.