As I leafed through the twenty-five or so posts two things became evident:
- That the atheists were presenting reason and science based discovery that has evolved and improved over a long period of time, right up to the most recent scientific evidence for Old Earth.
- That the fundie was repeating the same scripture that hasn’t changed in over 3,500 years as his evidence, and repeatedly tried to use pseudo-science to debunk real science.
There were perhaps sixteen or seventeen intelligent posts in this thread, all intended to debunk the foolishness of YEC myth. My mind boggled at the amount of detail, research, references, links, et al. It caused me to wonder -- would anyone put the same amount of effort into debunking things such as:
- Flat Earthers?
- The efficacy of witchcraft, sorcery, fortune telling, or levitation?
- Alien Abduction stories?
- The creation stories of American Indians, Hindus, or any of hundreds/thousands of other such tales?
- Extra terrestrial’s having built Stonehenge or the Pyramids?
- Any of the mythical monsters such as Nessy, Champy, Bigfoot, Chupacabra, Yeti?
- Demonic possession?
- Astral Projection?
- Transubstantiation?
If the answer is "no" then I can only wonder why this one particular myth, which owes its start to the superstitions and inventiveness of pre-scientific ancients, and is dismissed by every credible scientist on the planet, is worthy of such attention. Science has demonstrated through the corroboration and cumulative data of multiple scientific disciplines that big bang (or similar event) and evolutionary theory is the cause of the universe and origin of species.
There is as much objective evidence for YEC as there is for alien’s building Stonehenge or the Pyramids. If scripture alone is “evidence” there are many more volumes of books on alien development “theory” than just the one Old Testament. The fact that the OT is pre-scientific age, while these nutty modern day alien proponents’ books are post-scientific age, shouldn’t give the Bible more credibility; it should give the Bible less credibility.
Hell, just by calling YEC a "theory" the well intentioned and time rich freethinkers have given it more credence than it is due. What next -- "Transubstantiation Theory" ? "Woman into Pillar of Salt Theory"? Will arguing against them change anything?
Urinating into the wind would be more productive.