Quiz time, ladies and
gentlemen. Please put your books under
your desk, keep your eyes on your own
computer, and no talking to your neighbor. You’ll have three minutes to
complete this quiz. Ready? Let’s go:
Question 1: The following are actual head lines taken directly
from internet news sites. What two things, besides homophobia, do all of
the people referenced in the body of these articles have in common?
- Alan Keyes: Gay Marriage Ruling A 'Just Cause For War'
- Rick Wiles Warns Of
'Fireball From Space' If Supreme Court Strikes
Down Gay Marriage Bans
- Pastor Hagee: Putting an end to Gay Marriage is 'A Matter of Survival'
- Rick Santorum Warns Gay Marriage Could Lead to Christian Persecution
- Texas lawmaker: ‘What is going on in Baltimore’ is because of too
many gay marriages
- Church Marquee in Georgia Calls For Death To All Gay
- Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS
- California’s ‘Kill The Gays’
Initiative Sparks Outrage
- Mike Huckabee: Justices Can't Overrule
God On Gay Marriage
if you said “**Fundie Christian” and “Republican (GOP)” give yourself 10
points for each of the two possible answers.
(**If you said simply “Christian” give
yourself ½ credit = 5 points)
Question 2: Given the inherent and well documented bigotry,
social regression, and mindless hate that pervade these two groups, compounded
by their traditional misogyny, obsession with your genitalia / sexuality, racism,
distrust / denial of science, theocratic mindset, and jingoistic war
endorsement - if they were your
neighbors would you align yourself with them by voting for them for mayor, or
selectman, or town council, or dog catcher, much less a higher office?
Answer: if you said “No!” or /
“Hell No!!” give yourself 10 points.
Question 3: Are
you a registered Republican and/or an Independent who votes GOP? If yes: how in the name of reason, modernity
and humanity do you live with yourself being aligned with these people?
Answer: if you said “NO” give
yourself 20 points.
If you answered “YES” and justified your position with “smaller government, and/or bigger defense spending, and/or because blacks don’t vote GOP, and/ or lower
taxes for the rich” deduct 30 points and unsubscribe to this blog at
the bottom of your email notice. Our
common atheism is insufficient to justify our continued relationship.
Okay pencils down.
If you got 40-50 points congrats, you pass! Proud of you.
If your score is 30 points or less, you fail … why are you still here?