Wednesday, January 18, 2017

End of an Era...Beginning of an Error


  1. Great analogy. I agree with Paul!

  2. It really is scary to think about the next four years. When America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold.

  3. Good to you hear from you again, Bart, and trust you will have a great 2017 (insofar as much as you are allowed), I was quite amused at the fundamentalist lunatic that popped up on the blog just before xmas. The comments were shrill, absurd and incomprehensible so pretty much up to the usual standard of christian discourse! I can only stand and wonder from afar as the Presidency stumbles and lurches forward confirming all our worst suspicions and fears. Betsy DeVos' hearing was Kafkaesque. This hideous woman is obviously unqualified yet Trump's cohorts used their power to structure the hearing in such a way that her exposure to public inquiry was minimized. Her appointment has been railroaded through. I reread William Butler Yeats' The Second Coming last night. It is such a relevant poem at this point in US politics and well worth a (re)read. It ends with the lines "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?". I fear that the rough beast, now in office, is going to be more terrible than even the most pessimistic observer predicted.


  4. If it were only DeVos. Alas, every nominee falls short in honesty, forthrightness, intellect, reason and experience.
    The Yeats quote was never more perfectly applied. I fear for this nation...and the world.

  5. Everything okay your side, Bart? We haven't heard from you in a while. I miss your posts - they are one of the rays of light that emanate from a nation that seems to be going dark.

  6. Hi Charl,
    Thanks for your concern and kind words. All good here. Have a few irons in the fire keeping me busy. Will be reporting soon.



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