Friday, January 27, 2017

How much further can we fall as a nation of liberty? Here's a hint:

Trump has declared he will be releasing the names of immigrants who commit crimes in the US. Click on "here" for the whole story.

Anyone who is blind to what is happening is ignorant. Anyone who isn't horrified by what this represents spits on the graves and the memory of every member of "The Greatest Generation" who sacrificed and died fighting fascism in Europe.  Those who do not speak out against it deserve every  condemnation that history heaps upon them. 

Perhaps it's just by chance that Trump announced this "initiative"today; it's
Holocaust Remembrance Day. 

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana.


  1. And, of course, this is totally meaningless without a similar list of criminals who are "on-immigrants," along with statistics revealing the percentage of offenders within their particular population group...

    Any bets on the outcome of such a study (if conducted honestly)?

  2. Paul,
    Naturally. But they will dismiss that as irrelevant.

    After today's executive action banning Muslims from entry we have crossed a threshold I never thought we'd see again, after the Japanese internment during WWII, and our turning away of Jewish refugees..sending them back to their deaths in Europe.

    History will judge us harshly for this. We deserve it as a nation. We are no longer land of the free, nor home of the brave. It stopped on January 20, 2017.

  3. Now- a-days the most alarming declarations are from Trumps. You covered this picture in very good way as now a day it is the rolling stone news.

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