Saturday, January 28, 2017

Rage against the kidnapping of Liberty.

After today's executive action banning Muslims from entry we have crossed a threshold I never thought we'd see again after the Japanese internment during WWII, and our turning away of Jewish refugees - sending them back to their deaths in Europe.

History will judge us harshly for this, and we deserve it as a nation. We are no longer the "land of the free", nor "home of the brave". That faded on January 20, 2017 and disappeared today.

Contact your senators and congressperson. Tell them to rage against this injustice and those  that will surely follow. And may the Founders forgive us.


  1. It's a sad demonstration of the efficacy of pandering to the patently stupid, but for the next few years at least you may be the land of the conditionally free and home of one brave dromedary and fortunately quite a few like minded individuals.

  2. We are horrified in Europe. We might laugh at the buffoonery of this man and his new administration, but the reality is sinister and we must speak up and out against all he and his ilk stand for, every day and in every way. We are doing our bit in Holland...Hope the rest of Europe follows suit with a similar video

  3. Landen...
    Alas, I think they would have imprisoned him, water boarded him, and crucified him...again.

    David, Helga...
    Thank you both for your supportive words.

    If this first week of the new administration is a sign of what is to follow we are in for a horrific transformation of this country.

    We must speak out. Write to our representatives, letters to the editor..for to remain silent is to be complicit in the destruction of America and its values.

  4. were we ever the land of the brave? Or the land of the free? It seems to me that the early european invaders were frightened of the "murdering savages" that had lived there for a millenia. The blacks suffered a brutal race based slavery system. Women didn't have rights.

    I think a better descriptor is this - america. The land of the hypocrites.

    Another thing I suggest that we do. Document, document, document. Don't let them get away with white washing history when all's said and done. It's not states rights bullshit. It was always slavery. We weren't the brave heroes in WWII. We only entered at the end.

  5. Just keeping his promise to make America grate again. Grrrr.

  6. Coward, you are not what you claim to be, you are a fake atheist.

  7. Anonymous said...
    "Coward, you are not what you claim to be, you are a fake atheist."

    Says the person who is afraid to post their name with their comment.

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