After the Prophet Mohammed was depicted on Comedy Central’s South Park back in April, a Muslim website threatened them with death. Oh, not in so many words…they just posted a warning that what happened to Dutch film maker Theo Van Gogh might just befall them.
Van Gogh had the unmitigated nerve to depict Mohammed in one of his films. That blasphemy cost him his life at the hands of a follower of the "Religion of Peace.” Kurt Westergaard, the Danish cartoonist who drew unflattering cartoons of Mohammed a few years back (some of which are reproduced in this post) is still under threat of a death fatwa and is in hiding. Just last week a Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who drew Mohammed as a dog back in 2007 was assaulted during a lecture by a Muslim who was part of the group seeking to punish him. Vilks is a professor of art theory at the University of Uppsala in Sweden.
Comedy Central, showing all the courage of a rabbit, censored subsequent broadcasting of the Mohammed character storyline, effectively caving into the threats of extremist Muslim imbeciles. After all, no American has ever risked their life for free speech, why should Comedy Central be the trend setters? Oh wait… lots of Americans have fought and died for our right to free speech. Oh well, never mind.
In an admirable display of ballsiness Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris asked fellow illustrators all over America to show their solidarity in support of free speech as granted under the 1st Amendment; to stand up to those throwbacks who would impose their will and truncate our rights with threat and innuendo. She suggested that on May 20 cartoonists draw and display their depictions of the Prophet Mohammed. Unfortunately, fearing for her life, Norris wimped out and backed off her suggestion.
I’m not a cartoonist, but I am an advocate for free speech, no matter who it offends. Supporting free speech doesn’t mean supporting only speech you like or agree with, but this is lost on the followers of Mohammed. This is America, not 7th century Saudi. I don’t, none of us should, kowtow to demands of those to whom free speech is but a phrase and who value ignorant superstition over one of our most cherished rights. As Ben Franklin is credited with saying: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” I’ll give up not a jot of my liberty.
Thus, the images that follow represent my stand against those who would attempt to coerce freedom loving people into silence. No amount of threat will force me to abandon my rights, nor will it succeed in imposing respect for their senseless religious precepts, prohibitions and medieval culture.
So now what? Fatwa? Jihad? Am I to become camel hump hummus for Achmed and Abdul tonight? Here’s a suggestion for the thug followers of the pedophile prophet and purveyor of ignorance, enslavement and death: "Pound sand, this is America!" Stand up against tyranny, on May 20 depict a picture of Mohammed.
Van Gogh had the unmitigated nerve to depict Mohammed in one of his films. That blasphemy cost him his life at the hands of a follower of the "Religion of Peace.” Kurt Westergaard, the Danish cartoonist who drew unflattering cartoons of Mohammed a few years back (some of which are reproduced in this post) is still under threat of a death fatwa and is in hiding. Just last week a Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who drew Mohammed as a dog back in 2007 was assaulted during a lecture by a Muslim who was part of the group seeking to punish him. Vilks is a professor of art theory at the University of Uppsala in Sweden.
Comedy Central, showing all the courage of a rabbit, censored subsequent broadcasting of the Mohammed character storyline, effectively caving into the threats of extremist Muslim imbeciles. After all, no American has ever risked their life for free speech, why should Comedy Central be the trend setters? Oh wait… lots of Americans have fought and died for our right to free speech. Oh well, never mind.
In an admirable display of ballsiness Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris asked fellow illustrators all over America to show their solidarity in support of free speech as granted under the 1st Amendment; to stand up to those throwbacks who would impose their will and truncate our rights with threat and innuendo. She suggested that on May 20 cartoonists draw and display their depictions of the Prophet Mohammed. Unfortunately, fearing for her life, Norris wimped out and backed off her suggestion.
I’m not a cartoonist, but I am an advocate for free speech, no matter who it offends. Supporting free speech doesn’t mean supporting only speech you like or agree with, but this is lost on the followers of Mohammed. This is America, not 7th century Saudi. I don’t, none of us should, kowtow to demands of those to whom free speech is but a phrase and who value ignorant superstition over one of our most cherished rights. As Ben Franklin is credited with saying: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” I’ll give up not a jot of my liberty.
Thus, the images that follow represent my stand against those who would attempt to coerce freedom loving people into silence. No amount of threat will force me to abandon my rights, nor will it succeed in imposing respect for their senseless religious precepts, prohibitions and medieval culture.
So now what? Fatwa? Jihad? Am I to become camel hump hummus for Achmed and Abdul tonight? Here’s a suggestion for the thug followers of the pedophile prophet and purveyor of ignorance, enslavement and death: "Pound sand, this is America!" Stand up against tyranny, on May 20 depict a picture of Mohammed.

Good Job, Hump. Great pictures. We need more - Mohammad the murderer, Mohammad the back stabber, etc.
Thanks Bob.
Actually, a simple stick figure labeled Mohammed is blasphemy enough to them. And the more simple the image the more it renders their indignation and threat absurd.
I just have to laugh and laugh and laugh again at how the mentally challenged troll is turning more and more into a two-year old.
Hello Hump,
Loved the artwork!! Good Job.
/ \ << Mohammed Hitler
<0 0>
Mohammad' Face
- Fastthumbs
Thank you for your inspiring post, I'll have to make sure I also take part in the activities. =)
Please block this a-hole "DM" from posting. He has nothing to say and merely clogs up your site with stupidity. I have already blocked him from my blog.
blog spot doesnt offer that option. besides masturbation, this is dm's only outlet.
When we withdraw that which potentially offends terrorists because they have threatened to commit terrorists acts, the terrorists win.
DM: dude..you're Mom can't even get your cum stains out of your sheets! Lol.
Tracey: indeed.
Motor: Fast: nice blasphemous computer art there.:)
Deign: Thank you, go for it.
Those are cute! Are they your original work?
Ok, you're only half as smart as I am.
atheism is a DEATH SENTENCE
Actually, just being alive is a death sentence - none of us can avoid it.
I sense fear in DM's gibberish. :)
Not just fear, Hump but desperation and mental instability. In another thread I talked about "the troll" and he responded to it, therefore he admits to being a troll and he knows how useless and inconsequential he is and that no one reads his tirades or follows his pseudo links.
the nightshift at burger king starts soon.
As long as his mom reminds him to put down that jar of vaseline, and get dressed in his smock, he'll be gone for the remainder of the evening. :)
What is his actual task there at BK? Does he place the bubbles in the Coke? I can't image them trusting him with anything else. He probably does it one bubble at a time. I think the quota of bubbles/hour is what makes him loony.
According to the SVPM (Montreal Police) he's the evening fry cook. He handles the french fries and onion rings. That's why so many of his posts happen at 2-3 a.m.
He worked at a computer store until he was fired.
I bet DM likes the mohammad kiddy porn too. He has pictures of the Lego mohammed and his child bride all over his room. What a sick sick individual, sounds like he needs to go take refuge at the vatican with the pope where he can be with like minded souls
-||- <<<< Mohammed
Off topic but important:
Responding to a troll (even by talking about it) accomplishes nothing. It's like wrestling with a pig - you soon discover that the pig likes it and you get covered in filth.
Just ignore the little fucker and soon it'll lose interest.
Anon (Fastthumbs?) good advise (and entertaining analogy) ;)
I don't know much about Islam--except that Mohammed flew on a white horse up to heaven then came back and told his wife about it. After I read that, I just didn't want to go any further into its "dogma."
Until I googled it, I didn't know that the prohibition against showing an image of Mohammed is relatively recent.
The drawings that depict women being tortured are especially haunting.
Just so there is no doubt!
Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 88
The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).
The following hadits
Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3310:
Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64
Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 65
also confirm the age of Ashia to be 6 when the “pedophet” married her, and 9 when he raped her. There is no other word for it. It offends me to breath the same air as the followers of this slave owning pedophile rapist and murderer. I stopped excusing islam a long time ago.
I contributed to a Facebook site on the issue with a drawing. I think there are several out there now.
As always an enjoyable article Hump.
The Muslims are getting upset about this - GOOD!
Muslim anger prompts Pakistan to block Facebook
Shaw, good link, thanks.
Rasti: yep, there was never any doubt about his raping his child bride, and the Muslims dont even try and hide it. But they excuse it because afterall, he was god's messenger.
NEBob: I'm just surprised they didn't claim they were going to kill everyone on facebook. I bet Facebook deletes that page...the cowards.
Hump said
"NEBob: "I bet Facebook deletes that page...the cowards."
I disagree with this sentiment. Facebook is a business, not a government agency. Facebook's responsibility is to their owners and to obey the laws of the land (even if the laws are draconian and anti-western in nature). I don't see it as Facebook's responsibility to uphold the USA's 1st ammendment rights on their forums (and as far as I understand, if someone agrees to post there, they are subject to Facebook's terms of use which means it's Facebook's call to what is and is not acceptable to post).
Now, there might be a business case for allowing unrestricted political and religious speech and not to Kow-tow to Islamic fundies (or any other fundies)... But I'm yet to hear one supporting them to ignore Pakistan's (stupid) laws.
Do you advocate nationalizing Facebook so it does become owned/controlled by the USA government so that it MUST abide by the USA's 1st admendment?
- Fastthumbs
I did not propose they don't have the right to censor/delete that page.
I never invoked the 1st amendment which does not cover privately held businesses..
I do not suggest, nor would I ever, that fb be nationalized.
So...you exactly what do you disagree with me about? That FB would NOT be cowards by kowtowing to muslim agitation and implied threat?
fb profits do not hinge on muslim goodwill or muslim business. I'll proffer with no evidence to support it that the vast majority of fb users are non-muslim, westernerners, and not likely to be offended by that page which represents the thinbking of a great many people on the planet who see the muslim's threat against speech as patently offensive.
If fb caves in, deletes that page, it would be for one reason only: fear. Not fear of lost profits, but fear of some kind of violent retribution toward them. Many companies, especially those in the communication field, choose to take stands because of ideology, and ethical considerations. If fb lets a "neo-nazi" or "anarchist" page stand, or a "communist page" stand, or a "Jesus is Satan " page stand, or anything that could be deemed offensive/provocative -- and yet deletes the "Everyone Draw Mohammed" page, then they have acquiessed to muslim threat of terror and are indeed cowards.
I stand firm on that position.
Hump - Nice post. My pic is up. :)
Nice job! I just posted my Mohammed pic: http://drunkenhumanist.blogspot.com/
No Allah, Freddy, --
I'm no artist, but I like those pics. LOL!
Put this together avail ago.
Rasti...Very Nice!! ;)
The fucking cowards at Facebook:
"Pakistan lifted a ban on Facebook on Monday after officials from the social networking site apologized for a page deemed offensive to Muslims and removed its contents, a top information technology official said."
"Facebook assured the Pakistani government that "nothing of this sort will happen in the future," Malik said."
Hump, I borrowed your Mohammad Mickey to post of Facebook. Lets see if they delete me.
interesting they let the page stand through Draw Mohammed Day. I was actually going to praise facebook for their stand.
So much for that. Another bit of freedom falls to fear.
DM, are u some sort of crack head, freedom of speech means i can draw what the fuck i like if u don't like whet u are seeing / reading, i believe u have control over your computer so have u herd of such a thing as GOING TO A DIFFERENT WEBSITE
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