The Pew Research center reports that Evangelicals have come out strong for Donald Trump. Seventy-eight percent would vote for him for president today. Here's a link to the story and poll data.
I'm unsurprised. Why wouldn't Evangelicals support a man who has been divorced twice;
lusts after his own daughter's "figure"; is a fake Christian who misquotes biblical verse, and panders
to the religiously stupid; makes fun of the disabled, is an inveterate
liar, and has a wife who poses nude? After all, Christians in
general, and Evangelicals in particular are utter hypocrites. Hypocrisy
is a veritable sacrament to them. Let them be damned.
From time to time I go to the religion section of the Huffington Post to see what the religiously impaired are up to. Given the horror of the assassination of police in Dallas, and the brutal killings of African American civilians by police in the past few days, the religious leader take on the issue and what needs to be done about it took center stage. You can read the article here, albeit, it's hardly enlightening.
This one comment from a pastor caught my eye: "Dear Lord today please protect black men who are driving, selling, walking, riding bikes, working or just breathing,” "
Naturally it really tweaked my hump to read that. Appeal to the Lord to protect black men, because if you don't beg god it doesn't know what to do? Because it has
the power to do that, but was too busy over the past few days, months,
years, helping some balls players win some games to intervene and stop an innocent passenger from being blown away in cold blood at 18 inches? Why not just do the
old "our thoughts and prayers are with the victims" nonsense that they all spew as easily as saying "God bless you" after a sneeze and leave
it at that as though that platitudinous religio-gibberish means
The fact is we are a sick society. Racism, white privilege, political extremism, xenophobia, a culture that sees
guns and violence as the answer, the means to an end, for everything - this is our nation's prevailing mentality. We have become the example of what civilization
should never become; the obscenity that every other industrialized
nation points to in horror.
So naturally I'll be
asked "That's all well and good...but what do we do about it?" I
haven't the foggiest idea. I'm not sure it's even fixable anymore, our ills having been either ignored or embraced for so long they may now be terminal. But what I do know is two things: 1) that
spewing religious platitudes, praying to a make believe sky daddy , or
imploring people to "hold on a little longer", as though there is a fix
afoot is patently inane and less than useless. And... 2) Pogo was right: "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
DROMEDARY HUMP, The Atheist Camel,is the alter-ego of BART CENTRE, a lifelong freethinker, atheist activist and the author of "The Atheist Camel
Chronicles: Debate Themes and Arguments for the Non-Believer,"
and "The Atheist Camel Rants Again!"
A Vietnam veteran and “atheist in a foxhole,” he was awarded the Bronze Star, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, and Army Commendation medal. He is a
retired senior vice president of a national retail corporation
and holds a BA in psychology with a minor in religion.
Mr. Centre is the creator of the Eternal Earth-Bound Pets post-Rapture pet rescue spoof website
which has received worldwide attention and acclaim.
A lifelong New Yorker, Mr. Centre now resides on his "camel ranch" in New Hampshire with his much-put-upon and saintly “quasi-Episcopal” wife of forty-three years and his two atheist dogs. He has two grown, freethinking sons.
Who knew that YOU were such an important cog in your God's plan ... and those kids' starvation is too.
"Oscar the Grouch, why hath thou forsaken me?"
"Forgive them, Jim Hensen, they know not what Muppets do." "Snuffalupagus behold your mother. Miss Piggy, behold your son." (So many possibilities so little space.)
The Koran
Click Pic for live action Jesus. It's a miracle!!
Even Jesus loves a Camel.
The perfect gift for the boy in your priest's life.
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The consummation of the Prophet's marriage to his new bride
Hey, at least he waited till she turned nine
The Prophet Muhammed
Is it any wonder why he couldn't get adult women and had to settle for children?
Fine Religious Art: Jesus endorses the Constitution of the United States
Well, that settles that!. Jesus was evidently a Founding Father and US citizen. OK, maybe an alien resident. Of course, since Jesus was illiterate he may as well be endorsing the menu at Wendy's.
Maybe Mormon polygamy isn't so bad: Julianne Hough, Marie Osmond...
Oh, wait.... never mind.
Sign in a Hasidic neighborhood in New York
Translation: "If we see your leg we will beat you into a much shorter life span."
Billy is about to get a lesson on the meaning of "The Religion of Peace"
"Thank you for your drawing of the Prophet Muhammad, Billy... but now we have to kill you."
Islamic fun at the beach?
Nah! Just preparing a rape victim for stoning in the prescribed Muslim manner, This should curb her unruly sexual desires.
Christianity Explained in 115 Words
The belief that a walking dead Jewish deity who was his own father although he always existed, commits suicide by cop, although he didn't stay dead, in order to give himself permission not to send you to an eternal place of torture that he created for you, but instead to let you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh, drink his blood, and telepathically promise him you accept him as your master, so he can cleanse you of an evil force that is present in mankind because a rib-woman and a mud-man were convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree, which he knew they would do to begin with. -- Anon. _________________________ The whole thing would make Jesus die laughing, if he wasn't already dead, and assuming he ever existed.
Documentary Storm: a world of reason on video
A gold mine of atheist documentaries, from Dawkins to Maher, to recent apostates. Check it out.