I swear, it seems like a week can’t go by without the media
having a report on who god has had a conversation with. You’d think with all these personal exchanges
someone other than the recipient would have over heard it.
Most recently Sarah Palin advised the country that “God wants Obama impeached”.
One can pretty much assume she didn’t reach that conclusion by deductive reasoning, since any real reasoning eludes her. There can only be one other possibility - God told her so. She went on a bizarre rant to explain all of the reasoning God is likely using to make It’s feelings on the subject rather adamant. http://www.politicususa.com/2014/07/20/sarah-palin-claims-god-president-obama-impeached.html
Most recently Sarah Palin advised the country that “God wants Obama impeached”.
One can pretty much assume she didn’t reach that conclusion by deductive reasoning, since any real reasoning eludes her. There can only be one other possibility - God told her so. She went on a bizarre rant to explain all of the reasoning God is likely using to make It’s feelings on the subject rather adamant. http://www.politicususa.com/2014/07/20/sarah-palin-claims-god-president-obama-impeached.html
Michele Bachmann seems to have an ongoing dialog with God. Back in 2011 God told her to run for president. http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/318-66/6119-michele-bachmann-qgod-calling-on-me-to-runq I wonder if God got back to her latter to tell her he was only yanking her chain. God had also told her to go to law school and run for congress. I guess with all his conversations with Bachmann, God just didn’t have time to give doctors the cure for the Ebola virus, that he created.
But she wasn’t the only person God goaded into unsuccessful bids for the country’s highest office. Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, and Rick Perry were also specifically told by God to seek the presidency. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/modern-melting-pot/201202/who-did-god-tell-run-president-in-2012 One can only imagine that God was fuckin with their heads, since they didn’t even get a respectable showing in the primaries. That God…what a kidder!!
God also has or had regular conversations with Reverend John Hagee, the evangelical nutter from TexAss; Pat Robertson, the deceased Jerry Falwel, Tea Bagger congressman Tim Scott (SC), and assorted other clergy fakers and politicians. I won’t delve into all of the references made by the likes of Glenn Beck and other whack jobs who readily declare with authority that such and such was a blessing from God, or that so and so was divinely chose to run for dog catcher, etc.
It makes one wonder how their god chooses who he wants to communicate with. How come they are invariably far right Conservative Republican Christians? You’d think, if logic played any role in the choosing, that their god would talk specifically to Liberal Democrat non-believers. I mean … wouldn’t that give their god thing a bigger bang for his verbal buck? After all, just imagine Nancy Pelosi, or Obama, or Charles Schumer, or Barbara Boxer saying “God spoke to me last night and said I was all wrong - and that I should become an anti-abortion, pro-gun, obstructionist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, war mongering, god fearing Conservative.” Yikes!!!
But no. It seems not to work that way… ever. God, in his “strange and mysterious way” is very specific about speaking only to far right extremist Conservative Republican deluded religious charlatans, twits, and buffoons with IQs that tend to border on below average, and possessing a penchant for obsessing about other peoples sex organs -what they do with them, and making sure people can carry their military style rifles into Target and Walmart unfettered.
Funny how that works. Just as funny how anyone with a modicum of dignity and a fully functioning brain stem can buy into these peoples’ claims and/or what they stand for.
Well,it seems that she has decided to form her own network...oh joy...
They should have the headline saint dumb ass instead after all there is no one with half a brain who would listen to this twit!
Hi Sarah Palin.... Did ghod tell you that you're a stupid CUNT?????
Barry Goldwater's worst fears about the republican party being controlled by the religious right have come true. I'm sure he has "rolled over in his grave" many times during the last few years - every time a republican heavyweight relates what god has told him/her what to do or think. It's not unlike the numerous cases of god telling mothers to kill their kids. For all practical purposes the hijacking of the republican party is complete.
the Diagnostic Statistic Manuel has a classification for people who hear voices in their heads... really sick
Ghod sure must have 'loved' stupid people..... He made so many of them!!!!
I only come by here occasionally so no one will miss me if I don't make it back, but Zarathustra's comment on July 30 reminds me of my totally non-racist relatives telling me that there were good black people and then there were niggers - usually followed by remarking that somebody was a nigger. Why is it hard to understand that because something can be said doesn't mean that it's a good thing to say; that to follow up a posting decrying misogyny among other ills with a grotesquely sexist slur as a "Hell yeah!" is wildly incongruent?
Go ahead, call me the pessimist atheist. These people are way out there, but many continue getting elected to office, Glenn Beck is a multi-millionaire, the dirt bags who lead the mega churches wield untold power, money and influence. That said, my greatest fear is the people who elect them to office, who keep them in business, who go to church and give precious time and money, then vote how they are told because god told them to. How is it that Islamic jihadists are coerced into becoming suicide bombers? These guys kill in the name of allah yet are members of a religion of peace? Really? I don't see our mindless Christian sheep as being all that far behind.
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