The ship's captain, and many of the passengers sent ship to shore cables to the State Department and to President Franklin Roosevelt appealing for refuge. The State Department told them they must return to Germany and apply for official visas and "wait their turn". The cables to FDR went unanswered.
The ship returned to Europe. Four European nations accepted them ... three of whom were eventually over run by the Nazis.

By the end of the war, 257 of those 900 refugees would die in Nazi concentration camps and be fed into the ovens. Here are some of their pictures. You don't need to know their names, just remember what religious prejudice and hate and fear can do, and that with all our desires to be "Great Again", we failed miserably at greatness in 1939. We're failing miserably at greatness again in 2017.
Write your senators, your congressperson. Tell them, the world is watching.

Your president clearly has narcissistic personality disorder. To anyone who has ever lived with a narc, this is as clear as the sky on a bright blue summer's day.
This is how World War II started.
The pictures reminded me of the time when World war 2 started. It is good that you shared this blog as I love reading history and especially about the World War Era.
If you can understand psychpathy, you can understand religion. It's all just a load of bullshit mind control. And psychopathy has been around since the dawn of the human condition.
If magicians and illusionists can fool us into believing in an illusion that doesn't represent reality then the masters that have been working on it since the dark ages can make an entire race fall into their web too.
There are no distinguishing characteristics that separate any religion from any other. The human condition of the psychopathic disposition is at the center of all of them.
We can only try to understand and free ouselves from the psychological bullshit.
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