Question: What do these groups have in common?
Fred Phelps’ Westboro Baptist Church (homophobic hate group); the Christian Identity Movement (anti-Semitic / anti-Black); KKK (anti-Semitic / anti-Black); Neo-Nazis / Aryan Nation / Skinheads (anti-Semitic / anti-Black); Phineas Priesthood (anti- race mixing/ anti-Semitic); Army of God (abortion dr. murderers / clinic bombers); Institute for Historic Review (anti-Semitic / Holocaust deniers).
Answer: They are all Jesus worshipping hate groups. Each inculcates “Christian values” within their group. Each holds the Bible to be the inerrant “Word of God”. Each justifies their hate, violence, discrimination and terror using the scripture. Each recognizes Jesus as their god and savior.
And these are just a sampling. There are many other Christian groups like these whose ignorance, hatred and intolerance cause death, destruction, fear, and intimidation in this country, in this day and age.
Liberal Christians will claim these people are “not True Christians”; that they misuse the scripture for their nefarious purposes; that the hate they profess is not supported by the bible. But they are mistaken, or in denial. They love Jesus, and accept him as their savior. Acts do not determine salvation … belief does. That’s the Christian doctrine.
Now, one doesn’t have to be Christian to be a hate group. The Muslims have plenty, and they cause thousands of deaths. But these Christian hate groups are our own home grown, flag waving, God fearing Americans. Oh, I’d love to say they “aren’t True Americans”, but by birth and by our constitution they are.
I did a search for “atheist hate groups”. Guess what… there aren’t any. Free Thinkers, those Godless heathens, don’t band together and picket gay funerals or bomb abortion clinics. They don’t create/join groups that burn down African American churches, paint swastikas on synagogues, or threaten to kill minorities and presidential candidates and claim it to be the will of some unseen entity. To do those things one seems to need a belief in God.
Last question: Why is that?
Fred Phelps’ Westboro Baptist Church (homophobic hate group); the Christian Identity Movement (anti-Semitic / anti-Black); KKK (anti-Semitic / anti-Black); Neo-Nazis / Aryan Nation / Skinheads (anti-Semitic / anti-Black); Phineas Priesthood (anti- race mixing/ anti-Semitic); Army of God (abortion dr. murderers / clinic bombers); Institute for Historic Review (anti-Semitic / Holocaust deniers).
Answer: They are all Jesus worshipping hate groups. Each inculcates “Christian values” within their group. Each holds the Bible to be the inerrant “Word of God”. Each justifies their hate, violence, discrimination and terror using the scripture. Each recognizes Jesus as their god and savior.
And these are just a sampling. There are many other Christian groups like these whose ignorance, hatred and intolerance cause death, destruction, fear, and intimidation in this country, in this day and age.
Liberal Christians will claim these people are “not True Christians”; that they misuse the scripture for their nefarious purposes; that the hate they profess is not supported by the bible. But they are mistaken, or in denial. They love Jesus, and accept him as their savior. Acts do not determine salvation … belief does. That’s the Christian doctrine.
Now, one doesn’t have to be Christian to be a hate group. The Muslims have plenty, and they cause thousands of deaths. But these Christian hate groups are our own home grown, flag waving, God fearing Americans. Oh, I’d love to say they “aren’t True Americans”, but by birth and by our constitution they are.
I did a search for “atheist hate groups”. Guess what… there aren’t any. Free Thinkers, those Godless heathens, don’t band together and picket gay funerals or bomb abortion clinics. They don’t create/join groups that burn down African American churches, paint swastikas on synagogues, or threaten to kill minorities and presidential candidates and claim it to be the will of some unseen entity. To do those things one seems to need a belief in God.
Last question: Why is that?
Most, if not all problems on the planet earth are from people like you, people who reject Jesus Christ. Our prisons are filled with people, like you, who reject Jesus Christ. Most, if not all; rapes, murders, robberies and thefts are committed by people, like you, who reject Jesus Christ. AIDS is mainly spread by people who reject Jesus Christ and have sex outside of marriage. Children AIDS get it from people who reject Jesus Christ.
I hope you will turn from your sins and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and escape the fires of eternal hell. Turning from your sins and giving your life to Jesus Christ is the only way you can escape the fires of hell and receive everlasting life. If you persist in your sins and continue to turn your back on Jesus Christ, you will be lost forever.
SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life. http://www.armyofgod.com
Thanks for your input, Rev (heheh "Rev."). But, actually, donald, real world fact and statistics prove otherwise... and thus attest to your ignorance.
This blog deals with fact and reality, Donald...to that end:
From a historic perspective, religion far exceeds any secular causes for inhumanity toward mankind. The history of theist murder, war, genocide, persecution and destruction are legion. But if you read, you know this.
As for prison: the number of xtians who makeup our prison population is 78% and are actually disproportionate to the xtian populatoion of the US which is 76%. Atheists are only .2% of prison inmates and represent over 10% of the US population. This from the bureau of Prisons. Check it out, if your "belief" hasn't totally destroyed your interest in fact and reality. Albeit, I fear it has.
But I doubt you came here to be given fact..its never had much effect with the religiosly stupid.
I note you failed to address the question ofthis blog posting. Could you please pointout the atheist hate groups that terrorize innocent jews, gays, blacks, othewr minorities, abortion doctors, and people who believe in freedom?
You seemed to have failed to address the question of why they are virtually all Christian hate organizations. Infact, I wouldnt be surpirsed if you are a member of one of them, eh? Lemme guess...
there donald...doesn't that feel better?
oops..above deletion was my own. here it is again:
DONALD SAID: "Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life. http://www.armyofgod.com"
Oh fuck..i missed it.
Donald is a member of the "army of god"!!! An abortion doctor murderer & clinc bomber for Jesus!!!
killin for jesus!!! It proves everything I have ever thought or said about theists.
The fact that the reverend's group proves the camel's point is totally lost on the reverend.
They will tell us that killing in the name of jesus is God's work, for they are saving the "unborn".
Yet, in all my readings of their Bible I never once saw where jesus endorsed murder... not even to save others.
But, these mindless murdering self righteous drones happily delude themselves that jesus would approve. Its all part of what makes religion so ugly and dangerous.
Youre right though...they'll never get it, or admit it. Its a mental deficiency.
Meanwhile, I'm doing some research to see if I can find where Paul Hill is buried. I plan to make a pilgrimage to his grave ... and urinate on it.
Here ya go ... here's where Paul is buried.
Hey...nice work!!!
Since it's in Georgia, maybe I can get my Nephew in Atlanta to pee on his grave for me. Sort of like desecration of a scumbag by proxy.
Here's an extract from an article about him, that will surely win him the respect and admiration of all insane and hateful people the world over. Enjoy:
The Rev. Donald Spitz has never been a pleasant man. Considered a wild-eyed extremist even among his colleagues on the radical anti-abortion scene, the head of Pro-Life Virginia and long-time principal of the Army of God Web site (www.armyofgod.com) applauds the murderers of physicians, clinic workers and secretaries.
He rails against "filthy faggots" and "lesbos." Islam is "Satanic," Arabs are "Rag-Heads," and Muslims "should not be allowed to live in the United States." New York City is a "sex perverted cesspool" that richly deserved Sept. 11.
Whole article here:
A true patriot. A true representative of everything jesus stood for: Love, tolerance, peace.
What a piece of human flotsam.
Atheist are sooo right about everything they say, especially about God not existing. I mean, they are so wise and intelligent. These people have it going on…they are scholars, philosophers of this age…WOW. What would this earth be without them?
Oh wait, that was for April 1st.....oh well, it is April month...SO HAPPY APRIL ATHEIST FOOLS!!! Your mentality is so corrupted and twisted with lies!
Thank God your groups are very, very small. One of the foolish comments over the weekend said that Atheist can inhibit the earth, yeah right, just like “Pinky & the Brain” have been trying! After all, Pinky & the Brain exist because it was created by men and most importantly, they can see it! God will never allow it! Hmmmm, I really wonder how long they’ve been trying to inhibit God’s earth? Also, if this scholars & philosophers are so wise and intelligent, why haven’t they come up with something to keep people from dying or stop sickness & disease? With all of their science knowledge and technology, what’s taking them so long!
(1 Corinthians 1)
18 - For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
19 - For it is written:
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
The intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."[c]
20 - Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.
22 - Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom,
23 -but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,
24 - but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
25 - For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
27 - But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
28 - He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are.
Atheist are sooo right about everything they say, especially about God not existing. I mean, they are so wise and intelligent. These people have it going on…they are scholars, philosophers of this age…WOW. What would this earth be without them?
Oh wait, that was for April 1st.....oh well, it is April month...SO HAPPY APRIL ATHEIST FOOLS!!! Your mentality is so corrupted and twisted with lies!
Thank God your groups are very, very small. One of the foolish comments over the weekend said that Atheist can inhibit the earth, yeah right, just like “Pinky & the Brain” have been trying! After all, Pinky & the Brain exist because it was created by men and most importantly, they can see it! God will never allow it! Hmmmm, I really wonder how long they’ve been trying to inhibit God’s earth? Also, if this scholars & philosophers are so wise and intelligent, why haven’t they come up with something to keep people from dying or stop sickness & disease? With all of their science knowledge and technology, what’s taking them so long!
(1 Corinthians 1)
18 - For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
19 - For it is written:
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
The intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."[c]
20 - Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.
22 - Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom,
23 -but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,
24 - but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
25 - For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
27 - But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
28 - He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are.
Another thing, I've read that Atheists proclaim that they have sufficient evidence that there is no God because for many years, science has proven it!? Okay, if Atheists are talking about Aliens Scientist from out of space, maybe, just maybe it would make some sense. But men are the ones who are claiming such lie. And than, I laugh at the fact that Atheist proclaim that the bible is false and than they take the time to read it, just to contradict God's word. Have you taken your case to God? You say there is not God, but than say that the Word of God says and gives a scripture being read. Do you see how foolish you people make yourself look like? You contradict yourselves. On one article I read today that Atheist believes that maybe Jesus Christ existed or maybe He didn't...so what is it? You are not even sure if He is or not! Your evidence and defense are worthless! Now about the things that have been going with the Catholic Religion, many of you think that evil things are being done in the name of God. That is talk from the devil, your daddy, Satan! He has manipulated your lil, pathetic, screwed and powerless group! He has down a great job at showing all of you to become pathetic worthless fools like him! Atheists claim that there is no hate in your group...damn liars!!!! They mock our God and His Christians-non-religion followers! We can care less if you believe in God or not. All of you seem to have a hard time accepting that God is and will always be the Great I AM! Mind your own business and don't worry about us who love and believe on the Most High God! If all of you keep your stupid opinion among yourselves, you probably won't have a hateful group...but that would never happen! Open up your blind eyes that your father of all lies and liars have deceived and surrender to Jesus Christ! There is so much love, peace, healing, power, restoration, and Mercy in God! How can anyone reject Him...oh that's right, I forgot, fools turn Him away! If you think I am a fool for believing, I rather be a fool for believing than risking my very life & being a fool for not believing! What makes any of you think that we, Christians-non-religion followers of Christ, are going to put our trust in men who also but a flower that withers in due season! H3LL NO. I rather die for Jesus than to put my trust in fools. It is written, do not put your trust in men, which is a dangerous trap!
“A Foolish Atheist Unbeliever”
An atheist was spending a quiet day fishing when suddenly his boat was attacked by the Loch Ness monster. In one easy flip, the beast tossed him and his boat high into the air. Then it opened its mouth to swallow both.
As the man sailed head over heels, he cried out, "Oh, my God! Help me!" At once, the ferocious attack scene froze in place, and as the atheist hung in midair, a booming voice came down from the clouds, "I thought you didn't believe in Me?" "Come on God, give me a break!" the man pleaded. "Two minutes ago I didn't believe in the Loch Ness monster either!"
(Hebrew 11:11)
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
Atheist put their confidence on the things that they see! Things that parish and corrupted! It’s nonsense for anyone to demand evidence of the One who created them! One Atheist told me to use my mind, but that is where Satan deceives! It is the heart of a man that makes him/her who he/she is! They have been corrupted with lies and have entered their hearts to become who they are, fools, unbelievers, corrupted, liars, and deceivers! Atheists want truth, seek God’s wisdom and intelligence, He will show you truth. Your truth is like the air…..it disappears and has no meaning! God is eternal, mankind isn’t and neither are your scholars and philosophers! The truth has been set before your very own eyes and you are so blind! It is written, do not put your trust in men, which is a dangerous trap!
Wow... that was entertaining. Heheh.
It's rare to get a nut case fundie to spend what must have been at least an hour to post religious idiocy and gibberish to an atheist blog -- As though anyone would do more than laugh at the mental infirmity it exhibits.
I think there could be a goldmine of "Words of Ignorance" in those two posts. I'll keep it on file for that purpose.
Always a religious zealot, who is too idiotic to come up with a good defense, needs to show their impotence by ensuring us that their god will take care of it in the end.
I say if you are too much of a pussy to back your claims up then maybe you should shut the fuck up.
i doubt he heard you. Hes too worried about atheists "inhibiting" (???) the world, whatever that means. Hahahah.
I am glad I found this site, it is good to know there are other like minded, truth-seekers in this world.
Keep up the good fight!
craiger... I'm glad you found it too. welcome.
"Where are the Atheist Hate Groups?" [End Quote]
Check out this PDF article "White Racial Nationalism Against Atheism" available free for download at Internet Archive. It's written by an anonymous author; but, often references White Christian Nationalist (i.e. Kevin MacDonald, Adolf Hitler, David Duke, e.t.c.), groups (i.e. Christian Identity, South African Boeremas, National Alliance, The Order, KKK, Boar Nation Warriors, e.t.c.), or Jewish sources (i.e. Protocols of the Elders of Zion, e.t.c.). What's interesting about this article is that the "Jewish elite are responsible for Atheism and ultimately the destruction of Christianity" [End Quote]. Nevertheless, the first page of this article has it's plot line (i.e. premises, e.t.c.) disordered and somehow managed to miss the death sentences hanging over the heads of European Greek Atheist (i.e. Socrates, Theodorus The Atheist, e.t.c.) of non-Jewish influence.
Western Atheism and/or Greek Atheism was already in public discourse among the Greeks and not the Jews. Here is an interesting opposing viewpoint from White Racial Atheist Nationalist within the same network of White Supremacy:
"The World Church of the Creator completely reject the Judeo-democratic-Marxist values of today and supplant them with new and basic values (i.e. Creativity Theory) of the White race which is the foundation! The World Church of the Creator attacks Christianity and that Jews concocted Christianity for the very purpose of mongrelizing and destroying the White Race". [ADL. "The World Church of The Creator". Anti-Defamation League, 1999]
The PDF article "White Racial Nationalism Against Atheism" highlights sociologically a steady stream of state sanctioned violence and/or terrorism committed against White Atheist within white culture all the way up unto Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist policies of wiping out Atheism throughout Europe because he knew that Atheism was non-Western tradition. Moreover, the new breed of modern White Atheist Nationalist of the 19th-21st century (i.e. Creativity Theorist, World Church of the Creators, e.t.c.) although very ethnocentric oriented acknowledges the faults of Greek society which overall violated "the laws of reproduction, natures eternal religion, and/or supported suicide religions" [End Quote]:
"What is most strange is that the creative White Race has not done so centuries ago. In fact, it is amazing that the Romans and the Greeks failed to do so in their time". [Klassen, Ben. "White Liberation and Self Determination". The Creativity Movement, 1973-2011]
Now! What I find hypocritical about White Atheist (i.e. Creativity Theorist) is that they acknowledge the Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 Civilizations among the Greeks and Romans; but, eventually often succumb to the very same culture they themselves valiantly fight so hard to reject as in the case of White Atheist Ben Klassen committing suicide by taking sleeping pills:
"On August 6, 1993 Ben Klassen of the World Church of The Creator committed suicide at the age of 75 by swallowing four bottles of sleeping pills". [ADL. "Creativity Movement". Anti-Defamation League, 2005-2011]
Hahaha! What is with the White Atheist and suicide missions? I guess Ben Klassen was a reincarnation of Socrates (i.e. who committed suicide by drinking hemlock). The White Atheist Separatist of Ben Klassen variety find themselves:
"Harmonizing the goals, objectives and the philosophy of the government with that of their ethnocentric science (i.e. Creativity Theory). Creators don't believe in the separation of church and state; but, instead aim for unity of the White Racial Religion and/or the White Racial State". [Wikipedia. "Creativity (religion)". Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 2009]
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