God is mad as hell and isn’t gonna take it anymore. It seems the New York law allowing gay marriage was the straw that broke the deity’s back. We are about to experience His wrath ala Sodom and Gomorrah. Yup, hell fire and damnation for the entire nation is right around the corner.
And how do I know this? On Monday God sent a message to his spokesman Pat Robertson. Pat told us so during his 700 Club broadcast. The same place he touts his miracle muscle building elixir, declared the Haitian hurricane tragedy a result of a “deal with the devil”, and suggested we send hit men to kill Venezuela’s president. Here’s the link to the story: http://www.ontopmag.com/article.aspx?id=8782&MediaType=1&Category=26
Usually I’d just laugh it off and wouldn’t give it another moments thought. Robertson’s buffoonery and past asinine claims have succeeded in placing him along side May 21st end times prophet Harold Camping on the shelf labeled “Religious Fanatics: death past due.” But this kind of social vindictiveness, this religiously induced homophobia, intolerance and denial of reality and biology has the effect of stirring the pot and igniting the ire of already ignorant religious drones. Drones who give fools like Robertson credence; who really believe the garbage spewed forth from his pie hole.
No. I can’t just ignore it. I’m getting seriously tired of religiously inspired stupidity. Secular stupidity is bad enough, but when shaken or stirred with a measure of supernaturalist delusion and self righteousness the annoyance factor is increased exponentially.
Look, Pat ... if you’re reading this do the civilized thinking world a favor: Go sell your crazy someplace else, this country is already overstocked with it. And perhaps a nice long dirt nap would do you some good. I know it would make my day.
And how do I know this? On Monday God sent a message to his spokesman Pat Robertson. Pat told us so during his 700 Club broadcast. The same place he touts his miracle muscle building elixir, declared the Haitian hurricane tragedy a result of a “deal with the devil”, and suggested we send hit men to kill Venezuela’s president. Here’s the link to the story: http://www.ontopmag.com/article.aspx?id=8782&MediaType=1&Category=26
Usually I’d just laugh it off and wouldn’t give it another moments thought. Robertson’s buffoonery and past asinine claims have succeeded in placing him along side May 21st end times prophet Harold Camping on the shelf labeled “Religious Fanatics: death past due.” But this kind of social vindictiveness, this religiously induced homophobia, intolerance and denial of reality and biology has the effect of stirring the pot and igniting the ire of already ignorant religious drones. Drones who give fools like Robertson credence; who really believe the garbage spewed forth from his pie hole.
No. I can’t just ignore it. I’m getting seriously tired of religiously inspired stupidity. Secular stupidity is bad enough, but when shaken or stirred with a measure of supernaturalist delusion and self righteousness the annoyance factor is increased exponentially.
Look, Pat ... if you’re reading this do the civilized thinking world a favor: Go sell your crazy someplace else, this country is already overstocked with it. And perhaps a nice long dirt nap would do you some good. I know it would make my day.