Tuesday, December 30, 2014

When Xtians reject the “magic and myth” of Jesus, but accepting reality is too hard: What’s a believer to do?

”Virgin Birth, etc.  is part of the "magic" part of Christianity. I used to accept all that … but now, with a lot more thought and study, I clearly understand all that as myth. And now I'm on my journey in search for the true, true understanding of God.  I think it is okay to acknowledge that I may be right. Don't you?”

The above is an extraction of a statement from a believer responding to an article that places doubt on the miracles attributed to and surrounding the story of Jesus.  Ostensibly what this disillusioned ex-Christian is saying is “I was fooled once and I reject THOSE magical things; now I’ll seek the Ultimate Magical Thing.” 

My reply to this confused fellow follows:

I am always open to the possibility of the virtually impossible.  Give me objective evidence of Bigfoot, I'll buy in. Show me scientific proof of faeries, and I'll accept it as real. Demonstrate the evidence for a God or gods that is objective, observable, and repeatable under controlled conditions, and I'll drop to my knees and render oral gratification to It ... if that's what It wants. 

Until then I don’t need to seek anything magical. Why you feel the need to, as opposed to simply acknowledging reality, is your own bugaboo to cope with - don’t ask for my approval or reinforcement, there is none forthcoming.

Believers in all make believe things - the products of man's boundless & wondrous imagination - are simply mimicking their culture's prevailing concept of supernaturalism. That many still credit all the marvels of the universe, our planet, human life, medical advancements and technological discoveries, et al... to a benevolent boogie man who always existed; and all disease and war, and all the evils of civilization to a Satanic being of one variety or another - is owed nothing but ridicule and disdain, as it impedes human advancement and knowledge. Even those who hold "belief" to a much lesser degree are simply enablers of those believers who are so far gone.

The fact is for tens of thousands of years man has invented and worshiped or feared imaginary beings. Not one of them has ever materialized. They've sacrificed to them, prayed to them, implored them to end wars/ give victory, vanquish foes; to destroy or resurrect; to heal or cause pain; to rain and grow crops. They’ve used these gods to justify their tribe’s horrendous genocides of other tribes.  But not one of these beings has ever showed itself, demonstrated the efficacy of its powers, or yielded evidence of existence.

Thousands of gods are on the trash heap of man's imaginary friends. The current God version is simply a few steps from being disposed of itself, thanks to the modern age of communication and growing acceptance of science and the scientific method to explain what was once attributed to the divine (well, at least in First World Nations - excluding the US South).

As for your question, once again: No! For the reasons I just explained I cannot acknowledge you may be right. But I will offer you this : if there is any truth to the old saying that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity,  then I'd proffer you and your fellow "God searchers" over the past few thousand years are closer to insane than you are to "right."


Anonymous said...

I've been an atheist for a long time. Study and reflection have solidified my anti-beliefs. I desperately wanted to believe (and still do) that if these religious believers want to believe in this make believe nonsense, and it makes them a better person, it gets them through their difficult lives with joy, it full-fills them; then great, have at it, more power to you. Just leave me and my family alone and keep your beliefs to yourself. Unfortunately, they won't. And although I believe that the atheist ranks are growing, I have been reading articles that we atheists are undergoing more and more scorn from the church and believers. They just can't leave us alone. Although I am somewhat hopeful for the future of things, I am fearful of the pious religious attitude.

dale said...

best wishes for you and mrs. hump; I was prompted to reply to anonymous comment.... Religion and myth are fascinating subjects to study. The only religious bone in my body is the almighty! And the only prayer I sometimes utter in the at the cafeteria upon receiving my food is "please god, protect me from your followers".... I am an atheist and an anti-theist as well....and proudly and loudly so. regards dale