That was the choice of Sister Margaret McBride, a member of the ethics board of a hospital in Phoenix, when an 11 week pregnant woman came into the emergency room with pulmonary hypertension.
The doctors determined that the pregnancy must be terminated immediately, or the mother and her fetus would die. With no time to spare, Sister Margaret decided to save the woman’s life (who already had four other children at home) and permit the pregnancy to be terminated.
But what is a no brainer exercise of common sense, humanity, and good judgment … opting to save one life as opposed to losing both the woman’s and the fetus’, and leaving four kids motherless ... seems to be a cardinal sin to the Church. Sister Margaret was excommunicated from the Church. Whole story here: http://wireless.go.com/wireless/abcnews/section/topstories/10799745_1?&page=1
Speaking for the Phoenix archdiocese Thomas J. Bishop Olmsted (smiling shaman in his mystical costume pictured above) said: "An unborn child is not a disease ... the end does not justify the means.”
What!? Was there another means to ensure the woman or both the woman and the fetus survived? What is that other means would the bishop recommend? Prayer? How many times has prayer reversed a fatal syndrome that required immediate medical intervention? Would the death of both the mother and the fetus, and leaving four children motherless been the Church's preferred outcome???
This is religious mindlessness and hypocrisy at its worst -- mindlessness because the Sister did the only logical, reasonable and humane thing, for which she should be proclaimed a hero, if not a saint. Instead she is demonized and cast out by her “loving church” because she somehow offended their imaginary man-god and broke with unthinking, unyielding, inhumane doctrine.
Hypocritical, because while for decades priestly abuse of children and it’s destructive impact on them, has been tolerated, covered up, or ignored by bishops, cardinals, and the pope himself…with virtually NONE of the perpetrators, or their enablers being excommunicated. Why … because mass sexual perversion is tolerable, but saving a woman’s life and giving a child his mother back is intolerable? Because the sex abuse was by men, and this break with irrationality was by a woman?
Any Catholic who is not enraged by the injustice, the misogyny, the hypocrisy, the blind disregard for the greater good being perpetrated by the Church by this act is beyond contempt. Between all of the grotesque trespasses perpetrated by this arrogant medieval cult of ignorance if there was ever a last straw for leaving it behind, this should be it.
[Thanks to Rachel H. from Texas for bringing this important story to my attention]
The doctors determined that the pregnancy must be terminated immediately, or the mother and her fetus would die. With no time to spare, Sister Margaret decided to save the woman’s life (who already had four other children at home) and permit the pregnancy to be terminated.
But what is a no brainer exercise of common sense, humanity, and good judgment … opting to save one life as opposed to losing both the woman’s and the fetus’, and leaving four kids motherless ... seems to be a cardinal sin to the Church. Sister Margaret was excommunicated from the Church. Whole story here: http://wireless.go.com/wireless/abcnews/section/topstories/10799745_1?&page=1
Speaking for the Phoenix archdiocese Thomas J. Bishop Olmsted (smiling shaman in his mystical costume pictured above) said: "An unborn child is not a disease ... the end does not justify the means.”
What!? Was there another means to ensure the woman or both the woman and the fetus survived? What is that other means would the bishop recommend? Prayer? How many times has prayer reversed a fatal syndrome that required immediate medical intervention? Would the death of both the mother and the fetus, and leaving four children motherless been the Church's preferred outcome???
This is religious mindlessness and hypocrisy at its worst -- mindlessness because the Sister did the only logical, reasonable and humane thing, for which she should be proclaimed a hero, if not a saint. Instead she is demonized and cast out by her “loving church” because she somehow offended their imaginary man-god and broke with unthinking, unyielding, inhumane doctrine.
Hypocritical, because while for decades priestly abuse of children and it’s destructive impact on them, has been tolerated, covered up, or ignored by bishops, cardinals, and the pope himself…with virtually NONE of the perpetrators, or their enablers being excommunicated. Why … because mass sexual perversion is tolerable, but saving a woman’s life and giving a child his mother back is intolerable? Because the sex abuse was by men, and this break with irrationality was by a woman?
Any Catholic who is not enraged by the injustice, the misogyny, the hypocrisy, the blind disregard for the greater good being perpetrated by the Church by this act is beyond contempt. Between all of the grotesque trespasses perpetrated by this arrogant medieval cult of ignorance if there was ever a last straw for leaving it behind, this should be it.
[Thanks to Rachel H. from Texas for bringing this important story to my attention]
Right on Hump! Could it be any clearer.
Thks, Enrico.
And no, to the thinking it can't be clearer.
But I don't hear anything about a few million catholics demanding she be reinstated, condemning the church for their stupidity , and demanding the policy related to life and death situations be revised.
But why should they? They still send their kids to Youth Minister camping weekends, and allow them to be alter and choir boys, and put money into the hands of the richest religion on the planet.
I heard of this story a while back.
I pronounce Thomas J. Bishop Olmsted as a heretic to humanity and he is sentenced to live the rest of his life in Antarctica, after being dropped off at 35,000 feet altitude where he can ponder his lunacy on the way down.
Hello Sir,
A little off topic: Thanks a million for The Atheist Camel Chronicles!! It was recommended to me by Amazon after I had purchased Michael Parenti's GOD AND HIS DEMONS.
Your book is EXCELLENT and fun to read. I have been steeped in Catholicism since birth including private schools and a 3 year stint with the Northeast Kingdom Community cult. What a waste of a life!
By the way, I live right up the road from you in Newport.:)
Thanks again,
NEBob... there are some things that drive me to want to committ mayhem. This damnable shaman Bishop is one of them. I'd happily pee in his mitre, then bitchslap him into oblivion.
Please...call me Hump, not sir. And thank you, I'mso glad you like my book. Kudos for breaking free from the mind virus of religion.
If you want to drop down for a visit some time, just let me know. We'll shoot some guns, and drink a few whatevers. I'm in Langdon actually, same zipcode as Alstead.
Thanks Hump, Sounds like a plan.
I'll get back to you soon.
Good may come from this. Sister Margaret may begin thinking. She may yet truly live this life. Others may also be inspired to think and live. There is still time.
I hope this nun's faith has been shaken so badly that she truly looks at her life. You never know what kind of REAL good she may end up doing now.
Thanks for the story, Hump.
It is so hard to believe anyone can still be a catholic after seeing all the atrocities they commit. I imagine it is for the same reason most of Fred Phelps' children follow him. They are convinced that the keys to eternal salvation and damnation are held by thier leaders to use at their discretion.
I think one of the keys for me breaking my own superstitious idiocy was when I said to myself "fuck it, I'll take hell if I have to. I can't do this anymore."
I think stories like this help others to go down that path.
Thanks for helping to spread it Hump.
Those catholics that claim that they are not ashamed and embarrassed by their church are either liars or are completely ignorant. Those parishioners that are still giving money to the church, which ultimately ends up at the vatican to pay sex abuse settlements, should be slapped in the face.
what happens when you LOSE Pascal's Wager...
the blood and bodies of the atheist movement...
you mofos killed MICKEY MOUSE!!!!
this has more TRUTH then what Dawkins, Randi, Harris, Myers, and Shermer combined have said in their entire lives...
they tried to BULLDOZE the entire METAPHYSICAL DIMENSION...
they LOST THE WAR......
you have FORFEIT YOUR SOUL, shermer... you have become an object in the material world, as you WISHED...
we're gonna smash that TV...
you pushed too much and *CROSSED THE LINE*
degenerates (PZ) or children (HEMANT) - ATHEISTS!
do you have anything to say, you STUPID LITTLE F*CKER?
how about I tell you, Mr. Shermer, EVERYTHING YOU THINK ABOUT THE WORLD is
Regarding the story quoted in this post: Sooo, is this finally the moment when catholics all over the world will wake up and smell the freshly-roasted fairly-traded coffee and finally see their religion for what it is?
Well, I can always dream, can't I?
Another wonderful post, Hump...Cheers!! :)
There seems to be a small backlash in some corners of Catholic faithful. Here's a link to US Catholic magazine. http://www.uscatholic.org/blog/2010/06/was-excommunication-right-response-arizona-abortion
But even there, a couple of the comments from the most ignorant head in the sand followers make me shake my head in disgust. And i told them so, assuming my comment is allowed to stay on their site.
Yeah, ol Anonymous answered you with the de rigour Joshua 247:15.
Don't they ever think of anything new?
Direct. Indirect. wtf. Who cares. Semantics. Semantics THEY made up. The baby died because it wasn't able to survive outside the womb at less than 22 weeks. So who should we blame here for the mother's death if she agreed to do what her Church demanded of her?
God made man in "His" image. Supposedly. If the kid can't survive at 11 weeks gestation then it's God who fucked up. Not man. Faulty design.
I say we sue God for murder. (If the mother died from not aborting.)
I meant 24:15. Dog help us if that book did have 247 chapters. I'd be terrified.
I am happy she made the right choice and saved one life in stead of loosing two.
But a nun and administrator at a Catholic hospital in Phoenix is making medical decisions reserved for doctors? I can't find anywhere that she has any medical training that makes her qualified.
Doctors wouldn't hesitate. It would not be a dilemma. They knew what had to be done if life where to be saved. So why is a nun in charge of this?
Angel.. nicely said. Justt reading those tortured attempts at justification for church idiocy makes me want to commit mayhem.
Rasti... she waasn't in charge of medical decisions. The doctors decide the best course. Her job is to determine if the recommended medical action is in keeping with church doctrine and "morality."
Perfect reason to avoid Catholic hospitals at all costs.
I was just thinking about the woman who had to undergo the procedure. Indeed she is lucky to be alive thanks to modern med. In addition, it was probably quite a traumatic experience for her to go through. She lost her baby, damn near died and probably has some mental and emotional healing to deal with as well.
Now the church jumps in with a self serving holier than thou attitude and now gives her even more crap to deal with. Yes, the Nun was the primary target but the woman suffers collateral damage just for staying alive. That will teach her to try and survive!
I wonder... will that woman thank god, or the doctors and that reasoned nun for her survival?
The honor probably goes to god Hump.
Since he in his infinite wisdom saw it fit to leave her mourning, but mind you, grateful for being alive to do so.
This is the legacy of the faithful. To suffer and be thankful for the insane incompetence of this omnipotent and omniscient being right.
Enrico and Hump: I can't imagine what that must be like, knowing that your Church thinks you should have died. Wonder if they'll try to excommunicate her for living.
Angel: Good point, to be consistent they certainly should excommunicate her as well for surviving. She obviously does not know her place in the hierarchy!
re: the article, this is such a cut & dried example of "pro-life abortion" even Ronald Reagan would have accepted the necessity.
Tom in Newport, if you do ever meet Dromedary Hump, I assure you you'll be meeting one of the nicest guys in New England. Really.
Crazy Dad...
why do you want to lie to ole Tom?
;) thanks though. Tom's coming for lunch tuesday. Dog willing :)
Keep in mind that I think New England is full of bastards, so it isn't saying much.
point taken.
what happens when you LOSE Pascal's Wager...
the blood and bodies of the atheist movement...
you mofos killed MICKEY MOUSE!!!!
this has more TRUTH then what Dawkins, Randi, Harris, Myers, and Shermer combined have said in their entire lives...
they tried to BULLDOZE the entire METAPHYSICAL DIMENSION...
they LOST THE WAR......
you have FORFEIT YOUR SOUL, shermer... you have become an object in the material world, as you WISHED...
we're gonna smash that TV...
you pushed too much and *CROSSED THE LINE*
degenerates (PZ) or children (HEMANT) - ATHEISTS!
do you have anything to say, you STUPID LITTLE F*CKER?
how about I tell you, Mr. Shermer, EVERYTHING YOU THINK ABOUT THE WORLD is
for a sample taste of PZ Myers' GARBAGE...
DM...douche master?
I am pro-life. This nun belonged to the order of the Sisters of Mercy and I believe that she acted in complete and loving mercy in giving her approval for this abortion in order to save the mother's life.
This is a tragic and very sad story for the mother of the baby. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for her to have to lose her baby and have to make this difficult decision. My heart breaks for her and I would never want to be put in such a situation myself. However, I would have reached the very same conclusion and decision that she did.
According to a hospital document, she had "right heart failure," and her doctors told her that if she continued with the pregnancy, her risk of mortality was "close to 100 percent."
I read this article http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126985072 from NPR and was appalled at this bishop's response. Please take time to read the details in this article. It's worse than what even Drom wrote in his blog.
This article states:
But according to the Rev. Thomas Doyle, a canon lawyer, the bishop "clearly had other alternatives than to declare her excommunicated." Doyle says Olmsted could have looked at the situation, realized that the nun faced an agonizing choice and shown her some mercy. He adds that this case highlights a "gross inequity" in how the church chooses to handle scandal.
"In the case of priests who are credibly accused and known to be guilty of sexually abusing children, they are in a sense let off the hook," Doyle says.
No pedophile priests have been excommunicated. When priests have been caught, he says, their bishops have protected them, and it has taken years or decades to defrock them, if ever.
"Yet in this instance we have a sister who was trying to save the life of a woman, and what happens to her? The bishop swoops down [and] declares her excommunicated before he even looks at all the facts of the case," Doyle says.
I'll let you read the bishop's "reasoning" to Doyle's statements for yourself.
What a tragedy. Even the writers of Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan knew what is right and logical in this exchange between Spock and Captain Kirk:
Spock: Don't grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh...
Kirk: ...the needs of the few...
Spock: ...Or the one.
Joyce...well said. thanks for that. esp. like the Spock quote :)
aren't you glad you're not a catholic? or a nun? :)
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